The Pages function in the event menu allows you to create additional pages for your event site.

There are default "custom" page templates available, but it's also possible to create and save your own.

In this article, we're going to assume that you have a custom page template (or will use one of the default supplied ones) and that you will just be adding content to it.

Go to your event menu and select Pages (1), choose which custom page template (3) you'd like to apply as default and then select the New Page button (2)

When the page editor opens, select your page title (1), insert the content (2), the page name that you'd like to appear in the URL (3), check the box if you'd like the page to appear in your event page menu (4), choose the language (5) and select to change to a different Custom Page template (6) if required.

Once you've saved your changes, the new page will appear in the list. Click on the page name (1) to view in your browser, or select to edit it, inject HTML and CSS for custom styling or delete.