Adding content like banner images, descriptions, agendas, speakers and custom sections can be done quickly in the Mitingu event builder.

1. Go to your event admin page (details) and scroll down. Choose the relevant section to add by clicking on the title bar and it will expand.

2. To add a main banner go to Main Banner Image.

Click on the image or video tab and then click In the upload area to select an image/video from your local machine or drag and drop the required image/video into the upload area. If you are adding a video, you will need to add an image too as the mobile display will use the static image and not the video.

If you want to select a different image/video, repeat and it will override the original image/video.

3. Adding an RSVP banner - this will display behind your registration box on the home page. Scroll down to RSVP Banner Image or Video.

Add your banner in exactly the same way as you added your main banner.

4. Adding an event description to your home page

Click on the Description bar and key in your text. Once you're done, click save and add to event page

5. Adding a New Speaker

Click on the Speaker bar and then + New Speaker

Enter the speaker's name, photo and details and click Save.

Click on the Edit icon to add or amend details or the Delete icon to remove the speaker from the section. Add to Event Page to update the event page display.

Repeat this process if you want to add multiple speakers.

6. Adding an Agenda

Click on Agenda bar

Select + New Agenda, enter the agenda item, date, time, details and language.

The agenda item is then added to the Agenda section. Click on the Edit icon to add or amend details or the Delete icon to remove the agenda item from the section. Add to Event Page to update the event page display.

Repeat this process to add more agenda items.

7. Adding the Highlights Sections

Click on the Highlights bar and select + New Highlight.

Enter the section title, sub title, details, choose your language and upload an image if required.

The highlight is then added. Click on the Edit icon to add or amend details or the Delete icon to remove. Add to Event Page to update the event page display.

Repeat the process to add more highlights.

8. Adding the Experience section

Click on the Experience bar

Enter the name, details and choose your language.

The experience item is then added. Click on the Edit icon to add or amend details or the Delete icon to remove. Add to Event Page to update the event page display.

9. Adding a Custom section

Click on the Custom Sections bar

Enter the section name, language and content. Click Save once you're done.

Click on the Edit icon to add or amend details or the Delete icon to remove. Add to Event Page to update the event page display.