Mitingu allows you to set up as many themes and then templates within those themes as you like. For example. If you have an event based on a specific theme, then you may want the event site and all the communications to stay consistent with that theme.

We use Liquid for our template designs. This was created by Shopify and is used by hundreds of leading companies including Shopify and Zendesk. This allows you to add variable fields and dynamic content to your templates.

If you'd like us to build a new theme for you, our Professional Services team can help there. Contact them here

What is a variable field?

A variable field is basically a placeholder in your email that pulls content from the data based on which field it is.

All variable fields in Mitingu are displayed like this {{ variablefieldname }}. Here's a list of all the popular variable fields used:

Access these within {{ }} i.e. {{ }}


account.subdomain - The subdomain off of the platform domain, i.e. account1 from
account.public_domain - The public domain for the accounts event listing, i.e. or if you have mapped a domain it will be the mapped domain name
account.public_url - The public URL (i.e. account.public_domain but with http:// )
account.currency - Currency code GBP, USD, EUR etc.
account.logo_url - Account logo URL (Full size)
account.logo_sidebar_url - Account logo URL (300px x 200px)
account.domain - THe mapped domain name if present. - Account name
account.about - Account about text (from settings) - Account email address (from settings) - Account phone number - Account website
account.company_name - Account Company Name
account.address - Account address line 1
account.address_2 - Account Address line 2 - Account city
account.post_code - Account postcode - Account Country
account.full_address - Account full address
account.no_tax? - true/false: whether account is set to not charge tax
account.tax_included? - true/false: whether account is set to include tax in order price
account.tax_extra? - true/false: whether account is set to add tax to order price
account.tax_name - Name of TAX i.e. VAT
account.tax_code - Tax code - i.e. GB 122 3456 34
account.tax_rate - Percentage rate of tax, i.e. 20
account.attach_ticket_pdf? - true/false: Whether a pdf ticket is sent with the order.
account.twitter - Twiiter username
account.linked_in - LinkedIn username
account.facebook -  Facebook username 

Events - Event Name
event.description - Event Description HTML
event.start_at - Event Start Date and TIme
event.end_at - Event End Date and Time
event.online_event? - true/false: Is this an online Event
event.sold_out? - true/false: Is the event sold out?
event.complete? - true/false: Is the event past the start date?
event.cancelled? - true/false: Is the event cancelled?
event.venue - venue (see below)
event.location - Location, either the venue name and town or a string that indicates the event is an online event
event.banner_image_url - URL to the full size banner image for this event
event.public_url - The public URL for the event

Venue - Venue Name
event.venue.address - Venue Address Line
event.venue.postcode - Venue Postcode - Venue Town
event.venue.county - Venue County - Venue Country - Venue Latitude
event.venue.lng - Venue Longitude - Venue Website - Venue Telephone Number
event.venue.name_and_town - Venue Name and Town
event.venue.address_elements - Array of venue elements
event.venue.full_address - Full Address

Contact - Only contact_email.liquid - Contact's full name
contact.firstname - Contact's first name
contact.lastname - Contact's last name - Contact's email address
contact.tags - Array of tags that are assigned to the contact
contact.<custom_field_name> Access any custom fields the contact has, i.e. contact.department

Attendee - Only attendee_email.liquid and ticket.liquid (and accessed through order.attendees array)
 - Attendee's full name
attendee.firstname - Attendee's first name
attendee.lastname - Attendee's last name - Attendee's email address
attendee.code - Unique attendee code used for checkin.
attendee.tags - Array of tags that are assigned to the attendee
attendee.price - Net price paid by attendee
attendee.fees - Fees paid by attendee - Tax paid by attendee
attendee.sub_total - Price + Fees - Total
attendee.token - Unique Token for attendee
attendee.ticket_type - (See below)
attendee.<custom_field_name> Access any custom fields the attendee has, i.e. attendee.department

Ticket Type (accessed through attendee.ticket_type) - Ticket Type name
attendee.ticket_type.description - Ticket Type desctipion
attendee.ticket_type.pass_on_fees? - Whether fees were passed on for this ticket type

Order - Only order_email.liquid

order.allocated? - true/false: Is this order allocated and places reserved
order.cancelled? - true/false: Has this order been cancelled?
order.payment_type - "free", "stripe", "paypal" or "manual"
order.payment_status - "no_payment", "pending", "completed", "refunded", "partially_refunded" or "failed"
order.firstname - Order / Billing firstname
order.lastname - Order / Billing lastname - Order / Billing name - Order / Billing email address
order.code - Unique order code - Associated contact (See above to access those fields i.e. - Order total
order.sub_total - Order sub total - Order tax amount - true/false: Is the order free? i.e. total = 0
order.amount_paid  - Amount paid / received
order.attendees - Order attendees (array see above)

Liquid Filters

asset_url - {{ 'asset.ext' | asset_url }} - Full url to the uploaded asset in the theme editor, i.e. if you upload a banner.jpg file then you can access the URL to that file using {{ 'banner.jpg' | asset_url }}
money - {{ | money }} - Money displays the currency symbol and formatted price using the account currency setting
svg_qr_code - {{ attendee.token | svg_qr_code: size, svg_transform }} - Only in ticket SVG, outputs a QR code from the input text of specified size and at the location specified in the SVG transform

For example. If you wanted to open up your email and say Hi "firstname", then this would look like this within the template:

Hi {{ contact.firstname }}

So if John was in the data, then his email would display as "Hi John".

Dynamic Content

You can also create dynamic content within your email. What this means is that the same template can have different text paragraphs and/or images depending on the recipient. So if a recipient A is tagged as being a "Vegetarian", recipient B is tagged as being "Gluten Free" and recipient C is tagged as "No Dietary Requirements", then their respective event pages and emails could contain information (such as menus) specific to their tags.

Dynamic content is displayed within the template as If/Else and their format always appears like this {% if/elsestatement %}. So the above example of dietary requirements would appear like this in the template:

Contact Type Email - For example reminders, updates and general comms

{% if contact.tags contains "Vegetarian" %}Here's your vegetarian menu.

{% elsif contact.tags contains "Gluten Free" %}Here's your gluten free menu.

{% else %}Here's your menu.

{% endif %}


Order Type Email - Registration Confirmation

{% for attendee in order.attendees %}{{ }}

{% if attendee.tags contains "Vegetarian" %}Here's your vegetarian menu.

{% elsif attendee.tags contains "Gluten Free" %}Here's your gluten free menu.

{% else %}Here's your menu.

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}